Conversion tables for cooking. Weight, volume and temperature conversions. Equivalence tables for cooking temperatures, liquid measurements, and weight measurements. A quick and easy tool to convert measurements for your recipes.

To convert your units, you simply need to input the data in the appropriate space. These datas will automatically convert in the box next to it. Please note that our converter is precise to one tenth (1/10) of a unit.

Weight converter

Ounces (28.35 grams) Grams (0.04 ounces)
Pounds (0.45 kilograms) Kilograms (2.20 pounds)

Volume converter

Cups (0.24 liter) Liters (4.23 cups)
Fluid ounces (29.57 milliliters) Milliliters (0.03 fluid once)
Pints (0.47 liters) Liters (2.11 pints)
Galons (3.79 liters) Liters (0.26 galons)

Temperature converter

Fahrenheit Celsius

Cooking and oven temperature equivalents table

Fahrenheit Celsius Thermostat Gas Mark Description
150 70 2 1/8
200 100 3 Very low
225 110 3-4 1/4 Very low
250 120/130 4 1/2 Very low
275 140 4-5 1 Low
300 150 5 2 Low
325 160/170 5-6 3 Medium
350 180 6 4 Medium
375 190 6-7 5 Medium hot
400 200 7 6 Medium hot
425 220 7-8 7 Hot
450 230 8 8 Hot
475 240 8-9 9 Very hot
500 260 9 - Very hot
525 270 9-10 - Extremely hot
535 280 10 - Extremely hot

Some values have been rounded off


  • Oven heat is not uniform and may vary from one unit to another.
  • It is important to adjust the cooking according to your oven.

Liquid measurement equivalent table

Metric system Imperial system Other
1/2 ml 1/8 teaspoon
1 ml 1/4 teaspoon
3 ml 1/2 teaspoon
4 ml 1/4 tablespoon
5 ml 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon
8 ml 1/2 tablespoon
15 ml 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon
35 ml 1/8 cup 1 ounces
65 ml 1/4 cup 2 ounces, 1/4 large glass
85 ml 1/3 cup
95 ml 3/8 cup 3 ounces
125 ml 1/2 cup 4 ounces, 1/2 large glass
160 ml 5/8 cup 5 ounces
170 ml 2/3 cup
190 ml 3/4 cup 6 ounces, 3/4 large glass
220 ml 7/8 cup 7 ounces
250 ml 1 cup 8 ounces, 1 large glass
500 ml 2 cups 16 ounces
1 Liter 4 cups 32 ounces

Some values have been rounded off

1 liter = 10 deciliters = 100 centiliters = 1000 milliliters
1 deciliter = 0.1 liter = 10 centiliters = 100 milliliters
1 centilitre = 0.01 liter = 0.1 deciliter = 10 milliliters
1 milliliter = 0.001 liter = 0.01 deciliter = 0.1 centiliter

Weight measurement equivalent table

Metric system Imperial system Other
15 g 1/2 ounce
30 g 1 ounce
55 g 1/8 Pound 2 ounces
115 g 1/4 Pound 4 ounces
170 g 3/8 Pound 6 ounces
225 g 1/2 Pound 8 ounces
285 g 5/8 Pound
310 g 2/3 Pound
340 g 3/4 Pound
400 g 7/8 Pound
454 g 1 Pound 16 ounces
1 kg 2.2 Pounds

Some values have been rounded off

1 kilogram = 1000 grams
1 gram = 0.001 kilogram


°F = Degree Fahrenheit
°C = Degree Celsius
oz = ounce (imperial system)
lb = pound (imperial system)
g = gram (metric system)
kg = kilogram (metric system)
l = liter (metric system)
ml = milliliter (metric system)


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